HMA School Bus Tour Program is BACK!
October 3 – 7, 2022
The wheels on the bus are going round and round again!
Join us where the HMA School Bus Tours are ALWAYS a great success! Thank You to all involved.
What is asked of our association members when involved with the school tours:
The HMA is looking for companies willing to offer a tour of their facilities for a group of approximately 20 high school students. Tours are 1 hour- 1.5 hours in length. The HMA encourages manufacturers to offer tours as an effective means of encouraging young people to think about future careers in manufacturing.
Have you provided the HMA and Huron County High School Students a previous HMA School Bus Tour?
Are you interested in providing this opportunity again?
PREVIOUS Manufacturers and NEW Manufacturers are much appreciated.
For more details, or if you are interested in providing a School Bus Tour, contact the HMA through e-mail
What is the purpose of the tours?
This is a chance for Manufacturers to showcase what they do to our future workforce. Sell yourself to the upcoming workforce in Huron County! If you offer summer employment opportunities, Co-op opportunities, Hire right out of high school, Do apprenticeships or have specific educational requirements, let the students know.
Our intent is to enable all students to experience what is available in Huron County. We have a wide range of manufactures in the area and it is important for our students to understand that they do not have to leave their hometown area to do the things they dream about!
After 5 Networking
Let’s get together and feel alright.
The HMA is pleased to return to After 5 Networking in the Fall of 2022. A chance for you to meet the HMA Board of Directors and fellow manufacturers at a local winery or brewery. We look forward to seeing you again in October at Schatz Winery & Hessenland Inn.
2022 HMA Scholarship Awards
Huron Manufacturing Association recognizes youth achievements in November 2022
The HMA Board of Directors and their long-standing partner Libro Credit Union will carry on the tradition of awarding scholarships to students and graduates of our local high schools. The HMA has been awarding Scholarship Awards sponsored by Libro Credit Union since 2007.
Once again, Libro Credit Union will support the scholarship program offering four (4) $1000 scholarships to students who had completed a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) or are currently enrolled in an apprenticeship.
In recent years, Progressive Turf Equipment has contributed $1000 scholarship awards, Community Futures Huron has contributed $1000 scholarship awards, and Britespan contributed $500 scholarships. If you are interested in supporting the 2022 HMA Scholarships please contact us as soon as possible.
Huron Manufacturing Association recognizes youth achievements – November 2021
While the Huron Manufacturing Association Annual Awards Event did not take place, the HMA Board of Directors and their long-standing partners wanted to carry on the tradition of awarding scholarships to graduates of our local high schools. The HMA has been awarding Scholarship Awards sponsored by Libro Credit Union since 2007.
Once again, LIBRO Credit Union came forward to support the scholarship program offering four (4) $1000 scholarships to students who had completed a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) or are currently enrolled in an apprenticeship. Community Futures Huron also joined the fray again with a $1000 award . A $500 scholarship awarded by Britespan Building Systems, of Wingham helped to tip the HMA scholarship awards to a grand total of $5500 for 2021.
Eleven applicants made decisions difficult again this year. Six awards were accepted by the winners on Friday November 26th at Maelstrom Winery. Awards were received from HMA Board Chair, Larry Livingston of CAP Products in Vanastra. He acknowledged the achievements of each of the winners.
Cameron Adams 2021 HMA Graduate/Apprentice Scholarship Award Sponsored by Libro Credit Union. Previous student at Goderich District Collegiate Institute, in Goderich.
Darcy Fear 2021 HMA Graduate/Apprentice Scholarship Award Sponsored by Libro Credit Union. Graduate of St. Annes Catholic Secondary School in Clinton.
Beth Fisher 2021 HMA Graduate/Apprentice Scholarship Award Sponsored by Community Futures Huron. Graduate of Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton.
Stephanie Raidt 2021 HMA Graduate/Apprentice Scholarship Award Sponsored by Britespan Building Systems. Graduate of Goderich District Collegiate Institute in Goderich.
Keith Regier 2021 HMA Specialist High Skills Major Scholarship Award Sponsored by Libro Credit Union. Graduate of St Anne’s Catholic Secondary School in Clinton.
Travis Wilts 2021 HMA Specialist High Skills Major Scholarship Award. Sponsored by Libro Credit Union. Graduate of St Anne’s Catholic Secondary School in Clinton.
The HMA is thankful for the support of its members for ensuring that the Association can recognize youth achievements and looks forward to the future when celebrating youth and manufacturing can happen in person.
Contact: Susan Jared, HMA Facilitator
Larry Livingston, HMA Board Chair
HMA School Bridge Program
is on HOLD due to COVID since February 2020
Calling all manufacturers and associates
It has come to the attention of the HMA, that due to the Provinces current funding formulas that the high schools in our region do not have the cost of consumables available in their Tech Department budgets. This shortfall makes it extremely difficult for the instructors to provide the programs and the hands-on experience to improve student’s skills and keep them inspired about a future in the trades while fulfilling student / industry needs.
The HMA believes this may provide an opportunity to liquidate /recycle your scrap or surplus materials that would otherwise go to waste. Items such as scrap steel, copper wiring, hard and/or soft wood would be greatly appreciated.
The HMA is asking that you support and consult your local high school Tech Department to establish their particular need or requirement that all may benefit.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Yours in manufacturing
Larry Livingston, Huron Manufacturing Association Chairman
2020 HMA News Update
with Larry Livingston, HMA Board Chair in November 2020.
HMA GEARS – Recognition Program
Award your employees through HMA GEARS!
This program has been designed to retain your current employees and to help attract new ones. Employees work hard for you and studies have shown that recognition for a “job well done” can do wonders for morale and increase productivity; this program may assist with that. There are four different tiers for the program, starting with HMA GEARS Bronze and working towards HMA GEARS Platinum.
For more information and how to get started visit the HMA GEARS Recognition Program.
2022 HMA GEARS – General Employee Attraction Retention Program
Huron Manufacturing Association with funding from Huron County SLED – Supporting Local Economic Development
The HMA is very pleased to provide manufacturer members with support in the attraction, retention and recognition of employees. Please visit the About GEARS resource page for more information and how to gain access.
2021 HMA EAR – Employee Attraction Program
Huron Manufacturing Association with funding from RRRF – Regional Relief Recovery Program and Community Futures Huron is
Very pleased to have provided 9 manufacturer members with a review of their HR processes. The EAR Program Summary Report is available on the HMA YouTube Channel in the 2021 HMA AGM PowerPoint presentation.
2021 HMA Virtual School Bus Tour Video Project
Huron Manufacturing Association with funding from OMAFRA and Community Futures Huron
Very pleased to present a series of 5 excellent videos of manufacturers and the trades in Huron County. Videos are available to view and share from the HMA YouTube Channel.
J O I N U S,
invest in you, and see what being a member
of this leading association can bring you.