Mental Health in the Workplace: How YOU can help!

The level of stress in our work and home lives is increasing and our response to these stressors is very different from one person to the next. Join Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) for this informative session where we will provide you with a high-level understanding of workplace mental health, help you discover your mental health needs and guide you towards your next steps along your workplace mental health journey.

WSPS is a not-for-profit organization offering health and safety expertise and resources to protect Ontario workers and businesses. WSPS is the largest Health & Safety Organization in Ontario supporting the manufacturing, agricultural, and service sectors which employ more than 4.2 million people throughout the province.

This event was held on Thursday August 18th from 11:30am – 1:00pm. It was a great success and thanks to both WSPS Representatives, Lori Sheppard and Vicky Waldick who assisted attendees learn more about Mental Health in the workplace and how to help.

This FREE webinar was presented remotely via Eventbrite on Zoom.

(Note: Presentation is 45mins in length. Ample time has been given for Q&A, and discussion at end of the webinar)

Proudly supported by Community Futures Huron

Vicky Waldick WSPS

Vicky Waldick WSPS

Lori Sheppard WSPS

Lori Sheppard WSPS


Author: HMA