Become a Member of the HMA!
New Manufacturers:
Individuals or groups contemplating launching a manufacturing operation in Huron County are welcome to become involved by contacting:
Huron Manufacturing Association
435 Turnberry Street
PO Box 494
Brussels, Ontario N0G 1X0
The criteria for membership in the Huron Manufacturing Association is set out in the by-laws of the organization. Membership falls into two categories:
1) Full Members:
All manufacturers operating in Huron County are eligible for Full Membership in the Huron Manufacturing Association. Any member who pays the annual membership fee will be entitled to a vote at general meetings. Fee for full membership: $200.00 annually, no HST (fee increase from $150.00 as per 2022 AGM.)
2) Associate Members:
Businesses, organizations, and individuals that provide services to manufacturing can become Associate Members. Associate Members can attend general meetings and will receive other benefits of membership such as being included in the Manufacturing Directory, but they do not have voting privileges. Fee for associate membership: $200.00 annually, no HST (fee increase from $150.00 as per 2022 AGM.)
The Manufacturing Sector comprises of establishments primarily engaged in the physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products. These products may be finished, in the sense that they are ready to be used or consumed, or semi-finished, in the sense of becoming a raw material for an establishment to use in further manufacturing. Related activities, such as the assembly of the component parts of manufactured goods; the blending of materials; and the finishing of manufactured products by dying, heat-treating, plating and similar operations are also treated as manufacturing activities. Manufacturing establishments are known by a variety of trade designations, such as plants, factories or mills.
Manufacturing establishments may own the materials which they transform or they may transform materials owned by other establishments.
Manufacturing may take place in factories or in workers’ homes, using either machinery or hand tools.
Certain activities involving the transformation of goods are classified in other sectors. Some examples are post-harvest activities of agricultural establishments, such as crop drying; logging; the beneficiating of mineral ores; the production of structures by construction establishments; and various activities conducted by retailers, such as meat cutting and the assembly of products such as bicycles and computers.
Please feel free to use any of the following options below to submit a membership form. When payment is made you will become a valued member of the HMA. Your profile, along with logo and product information will be posted in our online member directory on the HMA website.
There are 2 ways to submit a membership form:
1) Open and complete the PDF 2024 HMA Membership Form then email to
2) Use our convenient online HMA Membership Form then click submit.
Annual membership renewal is January 1st.
Thank you for your support of the HMA!
Existing members please visit HMA Membership Renewal
The Huron Manufacturing Association is a unified voice promoting, supporting & connecting resources to existing & new manufacturers in Huron County.
The Huron Manufacturing Association is a strong voice for manufacturing through the promotion of Education, Networking and Celebrating the achievements of our membership.
• Educating our youth to the manufacturing opportunities within Huron County
• Networking between manufacturing members and more
• Celebrating manufacturing successes and excellence through Annual Meetings and Awards Events
Enhanced profile on HMA Member Directory
Get involved:
• Become a participant of HMA GEARS – General Employee Attraction and Retention Strategy – LAUNCHED in 2021/2022
• Network with fellow manufacturers, supporters and industry leaders • Be a voice at the HMA AGM and other events
• Join the Board of Directors • Receive shared information relevant to manufacturers in Huron County, surrounding areas and nationally
• Increased activity for your business through HMA website, newsletters, social media
• Encourage manufacturing for employment and education in Huron County